[Guidelines 09/2022 on personal data breach notification under GDPR] [Back to Flowcharts]
flowchart TD
A["Controller detects/is made aware of security incident and establishes if personal data breach has occurred"] --> B
B["Controller becomes 'aware' of personal data breach and assesses risk to individuals"] --> C
C{"Is the breach likely to result in risk to individuals' rights and freedoms?"}
C -->|No| D["No requirement to notify supervisory authority or individuals"] --> F
C -->|Yes| E["Notify competent supervisory authority. If breach affects individuals in more than one Member State, notify lead supervisory authority"] --> F
C -->|Yes| G{"Is the breach likely to result in high risk to individuals' rights and freedoms?"}
G -->|No| H["No requirement to notify individuals"] --> F
G -->|Yes| I["Notify affected individuals and provide information on steps they can take to protect themselves"] --> F
F["All breaches recordable under Article 33(5) GDPR. Breach should be documented and record maintained by controller"]
style D fill:#2e5e4a
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style I fill:#be474a