[Back to Guidelines 04/2022 on the calculation of administrative fines under the GDPR] [Back to Flowcharts]
graph TD
A["The case consists of..."] --> B1["One sanctionable conduct <br/><br/> Chapter 3.1 GDPR"]
A --> B2["Separate sanctionable conducts <br/><br/> Chapter 3.2 GDPR"]
B2 --> C2["**Plurality of Actions** <br/><br/> Separate calculated fines in one or more decisions for each conduct, subject to individual legal maximums"]
B1 --> C1["Gives rise to one infringement"]
B1 --> C2a["Gives rise to more than one infringement"]
C1 --> D1["**No concurrence** <br/><br/> One fine is imposed for one infringement, subject to the legal maximum of that infringement"]
C2a --> D2["Infringements preclude each other <br/><br/> Chapter 3.1.1 GDPR"]
C2a --> D3["Infringement are applicable alongside each other <br/><br/> Chapter 3.1.2 GDPR"]
D2 --> E1["**Concurrence of laws** <br/><br/> Only one infringement is applied to the conduct and the fine is calculated based only on that infringement and subject to its legal maximum"]
D3 --> E2["**Unity of Action / Unity of processing** <br/><br/> The fine is calculated considering all applicable infringements, but its legal maximum is limited to the highest (Article 83(3) GDPR)"]
style A fill:#2e5e4a,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style C2 fill:#6d59ca,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style D1 fill:#6d59ca,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style E1 fill:#6d59ca,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style E2 fill:#6d59ca,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px