This flowchart illustrates the decision process for determining when a DPIA is required under the GDPR and the subsequent steps to follow.
graph TD
A["Likely to result in high risks?<br>[art.35(1), (3) & (4)]"]
B["Exception?<br>[art.35(5) and (10)]"]
D["Residual high risks?<br>[art.36(1)]"]
E["No DPIA needed"]
F["Prior consultation"]
G["No prior consultation"]
H["Processing reviewed<br>by controller<br>[art.35(11)]"]
I["Advice of the DPO<br>[art.35(2)]<br>Monitor performance<br>[art.39(1)(c)]"]
J["Code(s) of conduct<br>[art.35(8)]"]
K["Seek the views of<br>data subjects<br>[art.35(9)]"]
A -->|No| E
A -->|Yes| B
B -->|Yes| E
B -->|No| C
C --> D
D -->|Yes| F
D -->|No| G
C --> H
I -.-> C
J -.-> C
K -.-> C