This 2022-2024 activity report summarises the work completed by the Coordinated Supervision Committee (CSC) from July 2022 to December 2024. During this period, it was possible to conclude some of the actions envisaged in the second CSC working programme, covering the same period, and other important coordinated activities were designed and structured or launched and are now running.

While Europol had just come under the purview of the CSC in June 2022, we also started in March 2023 to assume supervision of the upgraded Schengen Information System (SIS). This report thus shows the work carried out in relation to these two new major EU information systems, mostly on guidance addressed to individuals on the exercise of their rights. It should also be highlighted that the CSC committed to take on board the most relevant activities that were ongoing at the time of transfer of supervision bodies.

The CSC has been working hard to accommodate the large-scale European Union (EU) information technology (IT) systems that have already come under its purview and to prepare for the arrival of new systems and for the implementation of interoperability regulations.

Looking forward to the coming years, the CSC is ready to welcome more EU IT systems and EU bodies, offices or agencies within its purview. It will tackle the outstanding items in its current 2022-2024 work programme and develop our next programme of activities.

As the scope of the CSC’s activities continues to grow, we will keep the organisation and operation of the committee under constant review to ensure an effective and efficient supervision is delivered.

We will continue to assist national data protection authorities (DPAs) in their work, by providing further clarification on the interpretation of EU and national laws, stimulating the exchange of information and best practices, and providing support for joint audits and coordinated inspections.Taking advantage of its singular framework and holistic view, the CSC will ensure that the multiple data flows among systems and transversal interactions and sharing of information between EU agencies and bodies are properly monitored. To achieve that goal, the CSC will keep developing coordinated supervisory activities covering this new reality to guarantee a high level of data protection and the safeguard of fundamental rights.

Fanny Coudert - CSC Coordinator (July - December 2024)

Clara Guerra - CSC Coordinator (July 2022 - July 2024)

Sebastian Hümmeler - Deputy CSC Coordinator

Matej Sironic - Deputy CSC Coordinator


The Coordinated Supervision Committee (CSC) consists of representatives of the national data protection authorities (DPAs) of the EU-27 countries, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (non-EU Members of the Schengen Area), and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS).

The CSC was established in December 2019 to ensure the coordinated supervision of large-scale EU IT systems and of relevant EU bodies, offices and agencies, in accordance with Article 62 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 or with the specific EU legal act establishing the large-scale EU IT system or the EU body, office or agency. Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 provided for a single model of coordinated supervision for large-scale EU IT systems, EU bodies, offices and agencies within the framework of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB).

In March 2023, the Schengen Information System (SIS) came under the purview of the CSC making it the fifth EU IT system, body, office or agency under its supervision. This followed the entering into operation of the upgraded SIS on 7 March 2023 with enhanced data sharing and cooperation.

Currently, the EU IT systems, bodies, offices and agencies falling within the scope of the CSC are the following: